The "Grand Tour of Switzerland" Tour Guide, comprising 288 pages describes route highlights, offers recommendations for each of the 25 route sections and points out the top attractions. The Tour Guide comes with a map of Switzerland to a scale of 1:500 000 marked with the Grand Tour route....
Bestway: What was your reason for selecting the Arab Sheikdoms tour? Mark: The Bestway Tours & Safaris Arab Sheikdoms tour in October 2016 took me to five vibrant countries I had never seen before: Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and all seven of the United Arab Emirates . Bestway was ...
The "Grand Tour of Switzerland" Tour Guide, comprising 288 pages describes route highlights, offers recommendations for each of the 25 route sections and points out the top attractions. The Tour Guide comes with a map of Switzerland to a scale of 1:500 000 marked with the Grand Tour route....