Tourette综合征(Tourette syndrome,TS),又名抽动秽语综合征,由Gilles de la Tourette于1885年首次提出。儿童和青少年TS的患病率约为0.3%~0.9%,男孩多于女孩,男:女比例约为4:1。虽然TS的发病机制尚未完全了解,但目前普遍认为TS可能由多种遗传和环境因素引起...
Tourette综合征(Tourette syndrome,TS),又名抽动秽语综合征,由Gilles de la Tourette于1885年首次提出。儿童和青少年TS的患病率约为0.3%~0.9%,男孩多于女孩,男:女比例约为4:1。虽然TS的发病机制尚未完全了解,但目前普遍认为TS可能由多种遗传和环境因素引...
抽动秽语综合征(tourette syndrome,TS),是指以突然不自主的运动抽动和发声抽动为主要表现的复杂神经疾病,常伴有注意缺陷、 …|基于24个网页 2. 多发性抽动症 多发性抽动症(tourette syndrome,TS)以往称为抽动秽语综合征,是一种儿童时期发病的神经精神疾病,已成为儿童精神科和儿科的 …
文章三读一读】KENNY Richards wishes everyone knows as much about Tourette's syndrome(TS,抽动秽语综合症) as he does. As a youth ambassador(大使) for theTourette's Syndrome Association in the US, the 13-year-old boy wants to help kidsand adults learn more about TS.It's not contagious(...
作者:Reiter, Carl 编 出版年:2008-10 页数:264 定价:$ 33.84 ISBN:9780981469584 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介· ··· Tourette syndrome (TS) is a chronic, neurobehavioral disorder of childhood that has traditionally been treated with medication. Although...
1、Tourette综合征诊疗指南【概述】Tourette 综合征(TS)或Gilles de 1a Tourette综合征是儿童期发病,临床以运动性和发声抽动(tic)为主要症状的慢性疾病。抽动(tic)是突然的、快速的、元目的性或半目的性、反复的、间歇性、无节律性和刻板的运动和发声。【临床表现】(一)临床症状 1发病年龄和病程 临床表现特征为...
Tourette syndrome (TS) is a common, inherited neuropsychiatric disorder, characterized by the presence of chronic involuntary motor and vocal tics that wax and wane. In addition to tics, individuals with this syndrome often have a variety of concomitant psychopathologies, including obsessive-compulsive...