功能:Dashboard展示top heroes信息,Heroes展示目前已有的hero,点击列表,显示详细信息,同时能编辑。 1. 制作资料卡,并添加输入 import { Component } from '@angular/core'; export class Hero { id: number; name: string; }//定义一个hero的类@Component({ selector:'my-app', template: `{{title}} {{...
https://angular.io/tutorial/tour-of-heroes/toh-pt4#add-messages-to-hero-service Describe what you were looking for in the documentation No response Describe the actions that led you to experience the problem No response Describe what you want to experience that would fix the problem No respons...
这是一个ionic2-angular2的入门实践。 github: https://github.com/escawn/ionic2-angular2-tour-of-heroes 在学习angular2的时候,官网用了一个demo:tour-of-heroes来作为例子来讲解一个angular2单页面的结构。地址:(中文版) https://angular.cn/docs/ts/latest/tutorial/ 作为以开发ionic2 app为目标的初学者...
angular-tour-of-heroes Share Improve this question askedAug 6, 2022 at 1:03 Pracan 1122 bronze badges 1 Answer Sorted by: 1 I just learntNodejsandAngularand had the similar problem too. I have solved the problem this way. I just realised that, I have installed theangular-in...
AngularTourOfHeroes This project was generated with Angular CLI version 6.0.8. Development server Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files. Code scaffolding Run ng generate component component-name...
Angular-tour-of-heroes 1.创建新项目 ng new angular-tour-of heroes cd angular-tour-of-heroes ng serve --o 2.修改编辑各个文件。
"name": "angular-tour-of-heroes", "version": "0.0.0", "lockfileVersion": 1, "requires": true, "dependencies": { "@angular-devkit/architect": { "version": "0.13.6", "resolved": "http://registry.npm.taobao.org/@angular-devkit/architect/download/@angular-devkit/architect-0.13.6.tgz...
Angular Tour of Heroes getHeroNo404() 在完成6.HTTP后 , 然后我把getHero全局替换为了getHeroNo404() 请求链接, 应该返回HeroService: did not find hero id=1, 实际是返回了id为11的英雄 通过debug发现当请求http://时, http.get返回的是一...
The last step in the Routing Tutorial is to apply a global style to the application. After following the instructions for doing so, I get an error in the browser: GET http://localhost:4200/styles.css. The app is being served using the CL...
Error 404 not found. I followed the same way decribed in tutorial. I am not getting how this api would work. I am using angular-in-memory-web-api