tour of dutyn(military: period of service in one place)(军事)SCSimplified Chinese执勤,值班zhí qín,zhí bān TCTraditional Chinese值班 On his last tour of duty the soldier was wounded in combat. tour operator, tour companyn(agent organizing package holidays)SCSimplified Chinese旅游经营商lǚ yóu...
将“tour of duty"翻译成克罗地亚文 služenje vojnog roka, vojna služba, vojni rok是“tour of duty"到 克罗地亚文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:Some time after the battle of Hue, I completed my 13-month tour of duty. ↔ Neko vrijeme nakon bitke kod Huea završila je moja trinaesto...
Handling the logistics of a weeklong group tour involves quite a bit of work, but the benefits can be great. Guides meet people from all over the world, serve as cultural ambassadors to their customers and to local residents, and often act as unofficial spokespersons for the area in which ...
Create an account or log in to LinkedTour - Find and apply for top jobs or post job opportunities to hire the best talent worldwide. Connect with industry leaders and grow your career. Start your journey with Linkedtour!
1.a journey to several places and back.They went on a tour of Italy.viaje,excursión 2.a visit around a particular place.He took us on a tour of the house and gardens.visita official period of time of workusuallyabroad.He did a tour of duty in Fiji.visita;gira ...
You can go one of two ways as a tour bus driver, sticking strictly to driving, or adding the role of commentator to your tasks, which makes you a driver-guide if you do. In either case you need a Commercial Driver's License (CDL), and when on duty, must update your driving log ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Dictionary Encyclopedia Wikipedia Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> guide tour guide noun Words related to tour guide nouna guide who leads others on a tour ...
真正成为主动上门服务的超前服务方式 The regular tour service, direct and the user face-to-face exchanges, grasps the user demand, the product quality, the user degree of satisfaction aspect information accurately.Becomes truly visits on own initiative the service service way in advance[translate]...
value of import goods usually refers to their C.I.F. value, and that of export good,their F.O.B. value with the export duties deducted. FOr example,an ad volorem duty of 7% tariff.If a firm shipped ten of these products, the tariff would be $70. 比照价值的责任根据产品的价值被...
Light -duty Light-duty commercial towing entails hauling around relatively light vehicles. This service is used to remove abandoned vehicles, fix broken-down autos, and clear roads following car accidents. The vehicles typically weigh between 7,000 and 11,000 pounds and are conventional in size. ...