✔ Be wowed by the incredible views of Mont Blanc, the highest peak in Western Europe, from all sides. ✔ Hike one of the most iconic long-distance trekking trails in the world. ✔ Pass through charming mountain villages in the French, Italian and Swiss Alps. ...
今天的行程是从Vallée des Glaciers下降后,随后穿过Col de la Seigne 进入意大利。今天能看到Mont Blan...
Start your adventure on the Tour du Mont Blanc with tmb-guide.com ⛰️. Explore flexible routes, challenging variations, and picturesque refuges.
什么是TMB?2020年走TMB有什么契机?顺时针还是逆时针方向?阿尔卑斯长距离徒步是否安全?视频从背景、准备、8天徒步和总结四个部分详细介绍TMB整个过程。讲述突遇Alps暴风雪,我们如何从绝望到征服。图文攻略请移步1) Twenty Chunting的微信公众号2) BAV https://bav-alpin
这条蜿蜒的山脊是瑞士和意大利的天然国境线,同时也将勃朗峰山脉(Massif du Mont-Blanc)和本宁阿尔卑斯...
The highest elevation you'll reach is 8,823 ft, which is at the mountain pass ‘Grand Col Ferret’. This is on the Italy / Swiss border – so you can have your feet in both countries! July to mid-September is the time to travel. Outside this period snow can be problematic. There...
Tour du Mont Blanc 环勃朗峰徒步旅👣夏日足迹 在夏日的阳光下,Tour du Mont Blanc(TMB)环勃朗峰徒步旅就像一条闪耀的明珠项链,串起了阿尔卑斯山区最壮丽的风光。这个位于法国、意大利和瑞士之间的徒步路线,以其绝美的景色、丰富的户外体验和一流的徒步设施吸引了世界各地的户外爱好者。夏日的TMB徒步路线,从...
HÔTEL LA FORCLAZ | HÔTEL Auberge Mont Blanc | HÔTEL La Grande Ourse Nestled below the Col de la Forclaz mountain pass, these relaxed and simple, family-operated hotels have private bedrooms with shared bathrooms. The highlight is the outstanding views from the hotel decks. **Please not...
Explore our complete Tour du Mont Blanc guide to find routes, itineraries, expert tips, and the details you need to plan your perfect TMB hike - start today!
最美徒步路线 | TOUR DU MONT BLANC 法国这条徒步旅行路线位于欧洲最高的山巅Mont Blanc中,路程是169公里,途中会绕过4810米的山丘、经过三个国家并穿过多个风景如画的阿尔卑斯山脉村庄(意大利的Courmayeur),起点和终点是法国的夏蒙尼。 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ6 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 ...