UPSC, IIT JEE, NEET UG, AIIMS UG, IES, CA, NDA, UGC NET, CLAT& many other Exams are the top and toughest exams in India. Preparation for these top 10 toughest Exam in India not only gives students a career boost but these are important in establishing core skills such as discipline,...
The Gaokao (translated as “Higher Exam”) in China is known to be one of the toughest exams in the world. As the national college entrance examination, it determines the academic futures of millions of students each year. The exam lasts nine hours over two days, covering a number of subj...
you need to study in great detail, cover the given vast syllabus and have great intelligence. UPSC conducts this examination every year in three phases: The preliminary exam, the main exam, and an interview. These are among the most difficult exams in the world, which is why it is the t...
To be admitted to the institutes, many students work from dawn to late night. Waking up at 4.30 am, the average IIT aspirant puts in a few hours of preparation before going to attend the regular school; after which,...
You will have 35 minutes on this section in the real world— roughly eight minutes per game and less than a minute and a half per question. You may want to start your timed sessions by trying to conquer three games within the allotted time. Even if you don’t get to the last game...
These chapters are generally considered easier due to their straightforward concepts, practical applications, and real-world relevance, making them more accessible for students to understand and grasp effectively. Class 10th Exam Important Links NCERT Solutions for Class 10 NCERT Books for Class 10 all...
A city in the Chinese province of Henan is turning to drone technology in a bid to root out students cheating in exams. Now’s about the time teenagers across China will be sweating it out as they prepare for what’s become known as “the world’s toughest exam.” ...