3.1、卸载之前安装的触摸板驱动 开机长按【Option】键选择BootCamp Windows,进入Windows系统。 (1)打开【设备管理器】-->【鼠标和其他指针设备】,右键卸载Trackpad++驱动。如果你之前没有安装过trackpad++触摸板驱动,那么可以跳过这步,进入下面的第(2)小步。 (2)打开【设备管理器】-->【人体学输入设备】,卸载已经...
Bootcamp 6.1.5 offers official driver for T2-based model and Magic Trackpad 2. You can also consider using the official driver if you have such Mac. If you have an older model (e.g. MacBooks before 2018/2019), this is the only implementation for these models (yet). ...
1. Install windows 10 via bootcamp. 2. Log in to windows 10. 3. Star-up file .bat 4. You will be prompted with Windows 11 Pro update. 5. Windows 11 Pro will be officially downloaded and updated. 6. Enjoy all further official updates! Last edited: Aug 29, 2022 R...
Bootcamp 6.1.5 offers official driver for T2-based model and Magic Trackpad 2. You can also consider using the official driver if you have such Mac. If you have an older model (e.g. MacBooks before 2018/2019), this is the only implementation for these models (yet). ...
Windows Trackpad Bootcamp2020-07-02 上传大小:84KB 所需:50积分/C币 macbookpro-16-2021-07300327A-repair macbookpro-16-2021-07300327A-repair 上传者:weixin_40191861时间:2023-04-05 ALPS的触控板驱动支持MAC OS 10-12 黑苹果福音,支持多点触控 ...
华硕黑苹果需要用到ApplePS2SmartTouchPad.kext或者ApplePS2Keyboard.kext 如果是ApplePS2SmartTouchPad.kext...
While Apple could choose not to offer Bootcamp for M1 Macs, I don't see that as something they'd shy away from as the cost of development is likely minuscule compared to the overall benefit. The core issue is Microsoft not offering a license for Windows ARM. MS will offer this when...
I've tried reinstalling drivers via bootcamp's installer as well as manually, but nothing has worked so far. Is there any fix for this? Perhaps a way to enable precision touchpad settings using a registry trick or command prompt line?Thank you for your help. :) JG143, Dec 6, 2023 ...
对于利用 BootCamp 在 macOS 上运行 Windows 10 的 Mac 用户来说,这是一个受欢迎的补充,Apple 终于增加了对Microsoft 的支持精密触摸板驱动程序到软件。这带来了一种本地解决方案,不仅可以在 MacBook 触控板上使用 Windows 特定的手势,还可以在 Magic Trackpad 等外部
MacbookBootcamp触控板Trackpad驱动mac-precision-touchpad_bootcamp触摸板驱动 操作系统 - 桌面系统 野区**叔叔上传84.78 KB文件格式zipWindowsTrackpadBootcamp 用于Macbook、Trackpad等的触控板优化,实现更多操作 使用方法参考:https://blog./weixin_39858881/article/details/107091728...