touch type. The software allows you to start with basic lessons such as Home Keys for index, middle and pinky fingers and practice lessons including poetry, prose and drills. KeyBlaze also features a typing test where the duration can be set to 1, 2, 5 or 10 minutes Typical Applications....
You can create a group to compete for the highest typing speed, the most completed lessons with your friends, or to compare whose hero is cooler. Create a group, invite friends, and you will be able to arrange a typing race with them :) For teachers If you are a teacher, create a... Reply Petey1111 3 March, 2010 at 5:06 pm ahhh. this may explain the issues I have been having with Nesoid and Gameboid. Lame. I also have had weird things happen when typing quickly. I thought I just had ret...
I let good people into her life. I let stupid people into her life. I was her hero and her heartbreak. We chair danced on eternal road trips and ate ramen noodles with gusto and delight. We slept out on the trampoline, walked to the 7-11 for ice cream cones, laughed until our bell...