Please note in order to log in you need to have purchased a subscription to Touch-type Read and Spell. Learn to type in an easy and fun way! TTRS is an excelle…
TTRS is a multi-sensory course that teaches touch-typing to help children and adults improve their reading and spelling skills.
TOUCH-TYPE READ & SPELL LTD 专为iPad 设计 免费 iPad 截屏 简介 Please note in order to log in you need to have purchased a subscription to Touch-type Read and Spell. Learn to type in an easy and fun way! TTRS is an excellent touch-typing program on its own, with the added benefit...
Please note in order to log in you need to have purchased a subscription to Touch-type Read and Spell. Learn to type in an easy and fun way! TTRS is an excellent touch-typing program on its own, with the added benefit of boosting reading and spelling skills. We offer a step-by-step...
I have mild dyslexia. Unfortunately, there was no help for me when I was younger, so I’ve always just struggled along. I run a guest house and when I write on the computer, it’s easier to cover up errors. In the first few weeks of Touch-type Read and Spell, I didn’t think ...
Learn to touch type with Englishtype The leading brand of touch typing tutor developed especially for the UK Curriculum by an Educational Psychologist.
TTRSTouch-Type Read and Spell(computer course; UK and Ireland) TTRSTall Timbers Research Station(est. 1958; Tallahassee, FL) TTRSTotal Town Replacement Set(gaming) TTRSTime to Restore Service(reliability) TTRSTelerate Trading Room System(stocks) ...
4. Primary age is the best time to learn to type Touch-typing may seem a rather grown-up skill, but primary school kids are perfectly placed to learn. ‘Age seven or thereabouts is ideal, because their hands are the right size, they have the concentration span, and because they love be...
Courses will offer dyslexia support via Touch Type Read and Spell software. Santander Foundation gives GBP5,000 donation to Learning Plus In addition to the above, it boasts of a rear view camera, map light, Front A/c, Rear A/c and third row ultra-vents with an electrostatic touch type ...
(As some people with dyslexia have trouble with handwritten text, typewritten text will benefit them greatly, from both a speed and a readability viewpoint.) And of course it really helps to have the text on computer, because then one can do a spell check!