Medical Definition touch 1 of 2 transitive verb ˈtəch : to bring a bodily part into contact with especially so as to perceive through the tactile sense : handle or feel gently usually with the intent to understand or appreciate intransitive verb : to feel something with a body pa...
The meaning of TOUCH is to bring a bodily part into contact with especially so as to perceive through the tactile sense : handle or feel gently usually with the intent to understand or appreciate. How to use touch in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Tou
If shut down cleanly with the "close" button a demo can be re-run with (e.g.): gui.demos.simple.test() Before running a different demo the host should be reset (ctrl-d) to clear RAM. It is possible to run the demos without installing. Copy the directory tree to the PC with $...
nozzlesize射咀尺寸Cycletime循环周期downtime停机吋间 hopper料筒Moldrelease脱模剂lubrication润滑workhorse主力,主 要设备 Reservepressure/packingpressure保压moldtrial试模shot(一)啤 Decompress减压oven烤炉,烘灶shrinkagerate收缩率Resideneetime 滞留吋间 injectionspeed注射速度boostertime增压时间Compressionratio压缩 ...
162. break down 崩溃 163. break through—breakthrough 突破 164. breakout 爆发 165. breed 种;血统;滋生 166. brightening 照亮的 167. bring out 产生 168. bring under control 控制住 169. broadly 从广义上说 170. brochure 小册子 171. broker 经纪人 ...
If shut down cleanly with the "close" button a demo can be re-run with (e.g.): gui.demos.simple.test() Before running a different demo the host should be reset (ctrl-d) to clear RAM. These will run on screens of 128x128 pixels or above. The initial ones are minimal and aim ...
轴向受载的高速角接触球轴承接触角域的精确确定 Precise Definition of Contact Angle Field on High Speed Angular-contact Ball Bearing under Axial Load,轴向受载的高速角接触球轴承接触角域的精确确定 Precise Definition of Contact Angle Field on High Speed Angular-contact Ball Bearing under Axial Load,Preci...
rundown & 带有传感器的电动工具 Calibration data stored for each tool 标定仪器可以保存每一把工 具的标定数据 Result stored in CVI and CVINET 工作结果存储在 CVI 和CVI NET Advantages of EB tools Advantages of EB tools 电动工具的优势 电动工具的优势 • Accuracy 精度 • Productivity 生产效率 ...
weight batt fibre for resistance to wear and chemical attack Improved needling techniques to minimise tendency for felts to shed batt fibre Patented “Z100” anti-contamination treatment New Huyck patented STRATATRI multi- layer felt construction. ...
Definition Coststhatarenotassumedbythepolluter;thesourceofpollution. Considerationofphysicalmeasuresofenvironmentaldamage. Evaluationofinvolvedcostsforthesociety. Costsofenvironmentalexternalitiescanbeconsideredfromeconomic,socialandenvironmentaldimensions. Costsattributedtoafewsources(e.g.usersofcars)mustbeburdenedbythewh...