搜索并停止了TouchBarServer(触控栏服务器)。选择退出进行确认。TouchBarServer(触控栏服务器)可能需要一两分钟才能显示在 CPU 进程列表下,但它会在那里。然后,使用相同的过程重置控制条:搜索和停止。如果您的 MacBook Pro 的 Touch ID无法正常工作,这也可以修复它。如果出现提示,请输入您的密码并测试刷新的触...
To get your MacBook Pro Touch Bar to work again, you may need to reboot it. As you all know by now, this is a tried and true solution whenever something goes wrong while you’re using any computer. Mac or PC. After restarting, check if the Touch Bar is working again. If not, tr...
1 2 3 4 下一页 尾页 94回复贴,共4页 ,跳到 页确定 <<返回macbookpro吧MacBook Pro Touch Bar开机不亮原因及解答 只看楼主 收藏 回复 橙乐0266 Mac果仁 6 mac book pro 买了不到三个月 为啥 touch bar 一开机过一会自己就不亮了 橙乐0266 Mac果仁 6 1 橙乐0266 Mac果仁 6 , 橙乐0266...
ref: TouchBar Server blocked on Mac - Apple Community Reply of 1 Touch Bar not working on MacBook Pro Welcome to Apple Support Community A forum where Apple customers help each other with their products. Get started with your Apple Account.Learn...
各位大哥,小弟求助,mac pro 的touch bar失灵,显示亮度,但是触摸不了,新机子还没怎么用,请问一下是什么原因 q283667303 Mac初识 1 能显示亮度,也没有破损,就是没法触摸,我总不能当表用吧,,, jst5730284 Mac果核 7 售后 RonHarman Mac果核 7 重启吧,我也卡过几次 zxr3680166 Mac初识 1 我也一...
Touch Bar is not working on MacBook Pro M1 2020 Hello, so I was using my Mac as usual when suddenly the touch bar turned white like those broken old TV’s except it’s static, it’s not flickering. I’ve turned off and restarted it multiple times yet nothing works. I can still ...
Hello, I have a MacBook Pro with Touch Bar. With old version of Teams, Touch Bar work in meeting but when I install a new version of teams (business) my Touch Bar not work. I have clear the cache, delete and reinstall Can you help me with a prob...
1. Update Your MacBook’s Software You might notice glitches and other annoyances when you don’t have the latest macOS software on your computer. Checking for potential software updates is a wise starting point if your MacBook Pro Touch Bar isn’t working. To do this, follow the steps ...
3.2 方法2: 终端pkill命令杀touchbar服务进程 在外网看到的这个方法,试了下能临时解决,但过一会儿又不亮了,治标不治本。 打开终端(英文名叫Terminal)。找不到终端的,可以按住Command+空格键,用聚焦搜索终端或Terminal。 终端输入以下命令: sudo pkill TouchBarServer; sudo killall ControlStrip sudo pkill "Touch ...
Mac Book Pro Touch Bar Not Working I’m on Sonoma 14.1.1 and yesterday I received an update. Today, the touch bar is not working. I’ve restarted it with no luck. I started to do a safe mode start but the computer will not go into safe mode. what’s next ? MacBook Pro 13...