” said Janson. “It’s a great company with good people. They are generous enough to support my music and my fans, from playing ‘Fix A Drink’ on the TouchTunes jukeboxes to hosting this sweepstakes. I can’t wait to meet the winners at CMA Fest.”...
E Thomas Arnold, owner of a 2014 Mercedes-Benz GLK Class from Cincinnati, OH I have purchased paint from Automotivetouchup for many years with each new car. Their color match is perfect and the pricing is very fair and fast shipping service. Silver and red are tough colors to match, bu...
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- - N No.07-3516 AppealfromtheUnitedStatesDistrictCourt fortheSouthernDistrictofOhioatCincinnati. No.00-00727—SandraS.Beckwith,ChiefDistrictJudge. Argued:October29,2008 DecidedandFiled:November26,2008 Before:SILERandMcKEAGUE,CircuitJudges;LUDINGTON,DistrictJudge. * ___ COUNSEL ARGUED:KortW.Gatterdam...
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salesandVicexpectstocontinuetheir exponentialgrowththroughtheendof2003.Hisinsistenceonhighqualityserviceandoffering the“wholepackageinsteadofapiece”hasdriventhissuccess.Vicsays,“We’renotthe cheapestwheelonthedisplayrack.”Hemakesitwellknownthathewillbackhistruckupand walkawayfromajobifthecustomerisnotinterested...