He only has a leaf on his head for protection against the rain, so Satsuki offers him the umbrella she had taken along for her father. Totoro is delighted at both the shelter and the sounds made upon it by falling raindrops. In return he gives her a bundle of nuts and seeds. A bus...
Mei eventually falls asleep on Satsuki’s back and Totoro appears beside them, allowing Satsuki to see him for the first time. He has only a leaf on his head for protection against the rain, so Satsuki offers him the umbrella
He only hasa leaf on his head for protection against the rain, so Satsuki offers him the umbrella she had taken along for her father.Totorois delighted at both the shelter and the sounds made upon it by falling raindrops. In return he gives her a bundle of nuts andseeds. A bus-shaped...
time.Heonlyhasaleafonhisheadforprotectionagainsttherain,soSatsukioffershim theumbrellashehadtakenalongforherfather.Totoroisdelightedatboththeshelterand thesoundsmadeuponitbyfallingraindrops.Inreturnhegivesherabundleofnutsand seeds.Abus-shapedgiantcathaltsatthestop,andTotoroboardsit,takingtheumbrella. ...
He only has a leaf on his head for protection against the rain, so Satsuki offers him the umbrella she had taken along for her father. Totoro is delighted at both the shelter and the sounds made upon it by falling raindrops. In return he gives her a bundle of nuts and seeds. A bus...
So if you meet a wet monster at a rainy day's station, lend him your umbrella, then you'll get the forest pass check. Today's program is coming to an end, and I will share with you more good films in the near future. However, if you have something to say, please contact us in...