The meaning of TOTONACAN is a language family comprising Totonac and Tepehua.
2011. Morphological Phrasemes and Totonacan Verbal Morphology. Linguistics. 49(1). 175-228.Beck, D., Mel'ˇcuk, I.: Morphological phrasemes and Totonacan verbal morphology. Linguistics 49:1, 175-228 (2011).Beck, David & Igor Mel'čuk. 2011. Morphological phrasemes and Totonacan verbal ...
在上下文翻译 Filomena Mata-Coahuitlán Totonac - Angaité,翻译句子 Glosbe 词典是独一无二的。在 Glosbe 中,您不仅可以检查 Filomena Mata-Coahuitlán Totonac 或 Angaité 翻译。我们还提供了显示数十个翻译句子的用法示例。您不仅可以看到您正在搜索的短语的翻译,还可以看到它是如何根据上下文进行翻译的。
skakni是将“1kharkjʌ"翻译成 Papantla Totonac。 1kharkjʌ + 加 Manangba-Papantla Totonac字典 skakni Swadesh-Lists 显示算法生成的翻译 加 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“1kharkjʌ"翻译成 Papantla Totonac 找不到示例,请考虑添加一个示例。
Sosoni' 語-Papantla Totonac字典 Sosoni' 語 Papantla Totonac dunaan +添加翻译 sluloko Swadesh-Lists tanes Swadesh-Lists 显示算法生成的翻译 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“dunaan"翻译成 Papantla Totonac 找不到示例,请考虑添加一个示例。
The Totonacan languages are spoken in central Mexico in a region that includes parts of three states: southern Hidalgo, northern Puebla, and northwestern Veracruz. The Totonacan language family is made up of two branches: Totonac, consisting of four languages, with roughly 220736 speakers, and ...
Morphological phrasemes in Totonacan inflectionDavid Beck
In Totonacan languages, the verbal prefix/laa-/'RECIP' occurs on transitive and ditransitive verbs to mark a reciprocal relation between a subject and a direct or indirect object. In many of the languages, this prefix also occurs on regular, nonreciprocal verbs to mark subject/object ...
These results suggest a major affinity of totonacin toward αVβ3, α8β1, αVβ5, αVβ1, and αIIbβ3 integrins. In addition, the inhibitory effect observed on MDA-MB-231 and HMEC-1 cell migration reinforces the evidence of an interaction between these disintegrins and αVβ3 ...
King A (2007) Trade and totomoxtle : livelihood strategies in the Totonacan region of Veracruz, Mexico. Agric Hum Values 24:29–40King A (2007) Trade and totomoxtle: livelihood strategies in the Totonacan region of Veracruz, Mexico. Agric Hum Values 24:29-40...