You will encounter many of these enemies when you explore the caves during theDisaster in Gerudo Canyonside quest FYI Lizalfos in Gerudo Canyon changes into Ice-Breath Lizalfos during the night and Fire-Breath Lizalfos during the day. You must wait until 7:00 a.m. to farm Fire-Breath ...
Head over to the Gerudo Desert, located in the southwestern corner ofTotK's map of Hyrule. Head to a named location calledEast Barrens, which is not far southeast of Gerudo Town. Players will find sinkholes here, as shown in the image below. The coordinates for this location are -2529,...
Turakamik Shrine Location in Zelda: TotK The Turakamik shrine is inside Gerudo Canyon, in the northeast corner of the Gerudo desert, right next to theGerudo Canyon Skyview Tower. The exact coordinates for Turakamik Shrine inZelda: Tears of the Kingdomare (-2663, -2235, 0067). This area ...
How to Repair Weapons in Tears of the Kingdom In order to repair a weapon inTears of the Kingdom, players will need to track down a Rock Octorok, aniconicZeldaenemythat can be found in the Eldin Mountains area near Goron City. Once they've found o...
How to Get the Zonai Portable Pot in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom TheZonai Portable Potis one of the fourteen Zonai Devices Link can obtain inTears of the Kingdom. Zonai Devices are a new type of item added inTears of the Kingdomthat arepieces of ancient technolo...