The totem itself is a symbol that represents this animal. This could be any number of items – a crest, a totem pole, an emblem, a small figurine, an engraved or painted stone, or anything else that depicts your animal guide. Note:Native Americantotemsdid notinclude all of the animals l...
Northwest (totems were also found among ancient cultures throughout the world). These carvings of sacred animals would embody their stories and myths. Perhaps the dreamer has a story that needs to be deciphered. The type of animal on the totem pole will indicate the direction of interpretation...
When the pole is ready,it is brought to the place where it will stand.A potlatch is held to celebrate the raising of the pole. There is feasting, dancing, singing, and gift giving, and the totem pole's stories are told. Prayers and blessings may b...
Native people work with the energy of the four cardinal directions in a comprehensive cosmology that relates to various natural elements including colors, animals and seasons. Hawk spiritual meaning is associated with the Eastern direction. Hawk meaning and symbolism includes honesty and being prepared ...
Spend an hour or two on a crowded beach and you could be forgiven for thinking so. Observe them for a bit longer, though, and you may come to appreciate the cleverness that seagulls exhibit. Gulls, like pigeons other so-called “nuisance animals,” hold up a mirror to humanity. They sh...
Northwest (totems were also found among ancient cultures throughout the world). These carvings of sacred animals would embody their stories and myths. Perhaps the dreamer has a story that needs to be deciphered. The type of animal on the totem pole will indicate the direction of interpretation...
Carving a bird from a block of wood is hard word,but imagine carving animals on a piece of wood as long as a tree trunk!Native poeples living along the Pacific coast of Alaska and Canada have been doing just that for hundreds of years.These carvings ...
Totem pole, carved and painted log, mounted vertically, constructed by the Native Americans of the Northwest Coast of the United States and Canada. There are seven principal kinds of totem poles: memorial poles, grave markers, house posts, portal poles,