While cute and furry on the outside, Panda is actually a very powerful Totem and Power Animal that represents fortitude and willpower. When Panda comes into our lives we learn about that gentle inner strength in the depth of our soul. Panda medicine also reconnects us with our emotional ...
The totem itself is a symbol that represents this animal. This could be any number of items – a crest, a totem pole, an emblem, a small figurine, an engraved or painted stone, or anything else that depicts your animal guide. Note:Native Americantotemsdid notinclude all of the animals l...
Armadillos’ armor represents inability to take off our burden; it is something you have to carry all around. In that sense, armadillos symbolize limitations we all have. Armadillo totem and spiritual powers People guided by this strange animal totem are interesting individuals. These are personali...
The Chinese consider Dog a fortunate Animal. Having a stray come into your home meant good luck would soon follow. In Feng Shui, Dog represents faith and devotion. If you put images of Dog facing out from your doorway, it accomplishes two things. Dog intimidates those with evil intent whil...
It was the only creature that could gather earth from the ocean floor for the Creator, who used it to make land. The Ojibwe regard them as strong, persistent, benevolent survivors who see the world through the eyes of joy. Tribes with Duck as a Clan Animal include the Chippewa and ...
totem animal; (2) theidentificationof tribal members with the totem animal; (3) theambivalent attitudetoward the taboo object or the action forbidden by the taboo, which is manifested for example in the co-existence of love and hate toward the totem animal that is sacrificed periodically in ...
Otter - The otter is a mischievous creature that is also a symbol of laughter, curiosity, grace, and empathy. Salmon - The salmon symbolizes instinct, persistence, and determination. Owl - The owl is a very respected animal and is thought to ...
As a power animal, the seagull helps those who invoke it to survive through crises. The gull power animal represents resilience and endurance. If your power animal is the seagull, it is likely that your life has been rife with challenges. Fortunately, though, the seagull power animal embodies...
This is a very courageous gesture that also speaks strongly of cooperation and community. By the way, when Geese fly together, they know exactly where they are going and how to get there. Here Goose represents determination, purposeful movement, and being an able pilot for our life's journe...
Because the Pig represents abundance, wealth, strength, and never wanting for everyday needs. Pig symbolism ties closely with that of Boars. Wild Boars are ferocious and tenacious when hunting. Here, Wild Boar is an excellent Animal Spirit Guide to call on when you have elusive goals or want...