Favourite Video:DE LA FIN DES TEMPS (Partie 18) – Les Rats du Désert (Total War : WARHAMMER 2) [FR]– De la Fin des Temps est une série roleplay épique, basée sur la franchise Total War: Warhammer Frewind– Des vidéos de lore à propos d’univers imaginaires en particulier Warha...
P32Napoleon - Total War - Imperial Eagle and Heroes of the Napoleonic War unit pack 01:22 P33Premier aperçu au gameplay de Total War - ROME II -- César en Gaule - FR-j9wOSwF 09:49 P34Rally Point - Christmas Extra! Unwrapping Total War - WARHAMMER start positions. 06:39 P35Rally ...
Rally Point - Episode 29 This episode has a tasty Total War: WARHAMMER exclusive along with Tactic Talk on how best to use the Gyrocopters to their full potential, as well as a re-cap on our recent blog post about ‘How Lords Work’ which will focus on the Two Legendary Lords for the...