永无休止的战斗喧嚣在旧世界上空回荡。战争才是唯一的永恒!《Total War: WARHAMMER》是一款拥有宏大世界的魔幻战略类游戏,该游戏结合了回合制的史诗式帝国建设战役,以及触发式的宏大即时制战斗。这一切都置于战锤魔幻战争下的生动而让人惊叹的世界之中。
The King & The Warlord is the second Lords Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER. Bolstering the forces of both The Greenskins and The Dwarfs, it introduces famous rival characters, new iconic units and new battle maps from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Bat
Total War: WARHAMMER The Ultimate Fantasy strategy game. WatchBuy Addictive turn-based empire-building with colossal, real-time battles. All set in a world of legendary heroes, giant monsters, flying creatures and storms of magical power.
《全面战争:战锤2》(Total War: WARHAMMER II)发行时间2017年9月28日 《全面战争:战锤2》是由Creative Assembly制作,SEGA发行的一款策略类游戏。本作包括四大派系:蜥蜴人、高精灵、暗夜精灵以及鼠人,这些派系将为争夺Great vortex的控制权展开大战,战场设为四块新大陆:Ulthuan、Naggaroth、The Southlands、...
《Total War: WARHAMMER》呈現了栩栩如生的世界,其中充滿了傳奇英雄、龐大怪獸、飛天生物、磅礴魔法和各路恐怖大軍。 扮演英勇的帝國人類、有仇必報的矮人、兇惡殘忍的吸血鬼伯爵,或綠皮諸部蠻橫的獸人與地精,展開一場征服四方的大戰吧!各個種族都有與眾不同的獨特人物、戰役機制、作戰單位和遊玩風格。
DLC Total War: WARHAMMER III – Champions of Chaos Base Game Total War: Pharaoh DLC Total War: WARHAMMER III – Elspeth – Thrones of Decay DLC Total War: WARHAMMER III – Tamurkhan – Thrones of DecayView all games JOIN OUR RANKS Unlock exclusive events, & connect with a vibrant ...
Total War: WARHAMMER brings to life a world of legendary heroes, towering monsters, flying creatures, storms of magical power and regiments of nightmarish warriors. Embark on campaigns of conquest as the valiant men of the Empire, the vengeful Dwarfs, the murderous Vampire Counts and the brutal...
名称:Total War: WARHAMMER - Blood for the Blood God 类型:动作,策略 开发商:CREATIVE ASSEMBLY,Feral Interactive (Linux),Feral Interactive (Mac) 发行商:SEGA,Feral Interactive (Linux),Feral Interactive (Mac) 系列:Total War,Warhammer 发行日期:2016 年 6 月 30 日 ...
购买Total War: WARHAMMER - Call of the Beastmen ¥ 85.00 添加至购物车 Immortal Empires Call of the Beastmen DLC包可在旧世界(《Total War: WARHAMMER》)、凡世帝国(《Total War: WARHAMMER II》)以及超凡帝国(《Total War: WARHAMMER III》)中游玩。