Conflict and violence have been as much a part of human history as anything else. Although tactics and technology have changed, there are always questions as to how war is waged and the strategies involved.Answer and Explanation: Total war refers to combat without regard to any restrictions or...
"14世紀後期,源自於14世紀的古法語total,來自於中世紀拉丁文的totalis“全部的,總共的”(例如summa totalis“總計”),源於拉丁語totus的“全部的,立即,整個的,完全的,總共的”這個來源未知的詞彙。Total war在1937年被用於參考德國的一個概念(威廉·希勒 William Shirer)。
a total failure. involving all aspects, elements, participants, resources, etc.; unqualified; all-out: total war. noun the total amount; sum; aggregate: a total of $200. Synonyms:totality,gross the whole; an entirety: the impressive total of Mozart's achievement. ...
What is Total War? Total war is a war strategy used by many states throughout the history of the world. ''Total war'' is defined as ''a method of fighting a war in which anything can be done to the enemy to convince them to cease fighting.'' The meaning of total war is that ...
totalwar totaltheater total 2 of 4 noun 1 :a product of addition:sum 2 :an entire quantity:amount total 3 of 4 verb totaledortotalled;totalingortotalling transitive verb 1 :to add up:compute 2 :to amount to:number 3 :to make a total wreck of:demolish ...
The meaning of TOTAL is comprising or constituting a whole : entire. How to use total in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Total.
In this paper, I will show another channelwhich controlled female speech in the 1930's-1940's during the total war and analyzeits meaning. The channel is the movement of the National Language Association (NLA) which put language policy into practice. I will focus on the relationship between ...
Meaning "to destroy one's car" first recorded 1954. Related: Totaled; totaling. total (n.) "whole amount, sum," 1550s, from total (adj.). total (adj.) late 14c., from Old French total (14c.), from Medieval Latin totalis "entire, total" (as in summa totalis "sum total"), ...
The war threatened total annihilation of the city. 3 Total confusion A state of being completely puzzled or bewildered. His sudden departure left her in total confusion. 3 Total satisfaction A state of being completely content or fulfilled. ...
Write about your feelings and thoughts about Total War - Winter War Know what this song is about? Does it mean anything special hidden between the lines to you? Share your meaning with community, make it interesting and valuable. Make sure you've read our simpletips ...