a因为手机的诱惑总是很大,我们用它玩儿游戏,用它聊天,用它看微博等等 Because the handset enticement very is always big, we use it to play the game, chats with it, looks micro abundantly with it and so on[translate] athe total variation norm 全变差准则[translate]...
1) total variation norm 全变差范数 2) overall changes 全变 3) total variation 全变差 1. Solving inverse problem of one-dimensional parabolic equation bytotal variationregularization method; 全变差正则化在抛物型方程初始条件反问题的应用 2. ...
Total variation norm is commonly used to make the visual data more local smooth. 1)definition For matrices, the TV norm is defined as where For multidimensional data, the TV norm can be given by 2)algorithm (primal-dual gradient algorithm) basis: the general inpainting problem with TV norm ...
1. A novel method based on the total variation norm(TVN) is presented. 本文利用最大全变差范数作为ISAR方位向成像的聚焦评价准则,该指标值在平动参数空间中的分布具有局部极值点少的优点,利于最优确定初相补偿函数的参数,并采用协同粒子群优化算法加速参数的寻优速度和精度。
M. Persson, D. Bone, and H. Elmqvist, "Three-dimensional total variation norm for spect reconstruction," Nuc. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. A 471, pp. 98-102, 2001.Three-dimensional total variation norm for SPECT reconstruction. Persson, Mikael,Bone, Dianna,Elmqvist, Hakan. Nuclear Instruments ...
全变分损失(Total Variation Loss)源自于图像处理中的全变分去噪(Total Variation Denoising),全变分...
In mathematics, the total variation of a real-valued function ƒ, defined on an interval [a, b] ⊂ R is a measure of the one-dimensional arclength of the curve with parametric equation x → ƒ(x), for x ∈ [a,b]. The total variation is a norm defined on the space of ...
2)与 L1-norm 距离之间的联系: TV(μ,ν)=12∑x∈X|μ(x)−ν(x)|=12‖μ−ν‖1 3)与假设检验中Type I error & Type II error 之间的联系: α+β≥1−TV(μ,ν) ,其中 α=Eμ[x],β=1−Eν[x] 1、证明: TV(P,Q)=12∑x∈X|μ(x)−ν(x)|=12‖P−Q‖1 证...
功能:一种概率分布间的统计距离度量,具有相同功能的还有KL divergence等。定义:定义在 [公式] 上的两个概率分布 [公式] 和 [公式] 之间的TV距离为 [公式]。理解:TV距离即两个概率分布在同一事件 [公式] 上取值的最大差值。常用性质:1)对称性:[公式]。2)与 L1-norm 距离之间的联系:[...
Section 5 then exploits these Hardy-norm estimates to quantify the rate of decay of the total variation norm for solutions to scalar parabolic conservation laws and systems of such equations. In particular, we shall show that, under suitable hypotheses on the initial datum and the flux function,...