“Diversion to illicit markets, misuse amongst groups fighting in Ukraine, or their acquisition by Russia or other non-state actors” are resultantly considered “likely unavoidable” consequences of this wellspring. Despite U.S. leaders promising a keen eye is being kept on the weapons shipments,...
After the Cold War Ukraine agreed to relinquish the nuclear weapons housed there for a promise the U.S. would always have its back. They trusted us. Must American presidents honor the honestly made vows of their predecessors? In this case surely yes, at pain of announcing to every friend w...
Widespread drought and irresponsible farming practices turned millions of tons of once-fertile topsoil into dust, which was sent airborne in massive dust storms that blackened out the sky and buried entire farms across the Midwest. By 1934, the catastrophe was no longer regional as the winds carri...
Widespread drought and irresponsible farming practices turned millions of tons of once-fertile topsoil into dust, which was sent airborne in massive dust storms that blackened out the sky and buried entire farms across the Midwest. By 1934, the catastrophe was no longer regional as the winds carri...
A prime example of that is you may receive a very official-looking email asking you to change your password, which hackers have sent to trick you. Recent cyber attacks like this happened to atop official in a Democratic Partyin the run-up to the 2016 US election, resulting in the release...