She held several positions in international logistics at the Lub Marine entity of the subsidiary Lubrifiants. In parallel, Ms. Della Puppa Tibi studied at the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers (International Trade curriculum – Marketing, International Trade, Commodity Markets courses) as well as ... Carlan V, Naudts D, Audenaert P et al (2019) Toward implementing a fully automated truck guidance system at a sea- port: identifying the roles, costs and benefits of logistics stakeholders. J Ship Trade 4:12. https:...
MSYANGHongMSYUYingJie 穆立曹青芬 JM338393*398 大卫.苏丹 陈一坪 陈瑞琪黄力生黄圆圆 贾欣 吴锦丽闫莹叶红朱先双诸葛琳 125 323 343109191 107* 108242132115187 翟国彪 RJ 206 贾本汉 508 何涛 507 黄行毅姜冬冬李汉基吕航卢汉维孙岚 156502521519503506* 王庆华 517 徐晓菲 581 杨雁 ...