Analysis of total excipients of topical corticosteroids marketed in Koreadoi:10.1111/cod.14511Choi, JeewooLee, Jin JuLee, HeeraByun, Ji YeonChoi, You WonRoh, Joo YoungChoi, Hae YoungContact Dermatitis (01051873)
Christina WuMayo Clinic Arizona, Scottsdale, AZChristopher C. GouletBillings Clinic Cancer Center, Billings, MTKyung-Wook JeeMassachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MAChadwick L. WrightUniversity of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OHAmerican Society of Clinical OncologyJournal of Clinical Oncology...
doi:10.1093/bjs/znad379Schneider, Marcel AndréKim, JeesunBerlth, FelixSugita, YutakaGrimminger, Peter PSano, TakeshiRosati, RiccardoBaiocchi, Gian LucaBencivenga, MariaDe Manzoni, GiovanniBritish Journal of Surgery
In multivariate analysis, NSM was not associated with reduced oncologic outcomes. The same results were observed in PSM analysis. In the SEER dataset, according to the SHAP values, the individual feature contribution suggested that AJCC stage ranks first. Analyses from the two datasets confirmed no...