The largest C1s chemical shift for the isomers is 0.88 eV (neopentane) which is nearly three times larger than the linear alkanes which is 0.30 eV. The inner valence bonding energy spectra clearly show a dependence on the number of carbons with a decreasing HOMO鈥揕OMO energy gap of 9.91 ...
Research over the last 25 years related to structural elucidations and biological investigations of the specialized pro-resolving mediators has spurred great interest in targeting these endogenous products in total synthesis. These lipid mediators govern the resolution of inflammation as potent and stereosel...
The synthesis of C1–C6 fragment 6 is shown in Scheme 3. The racemic alcohol 19, obtained from the aldol reaction of tert-butylacetate and acrolein, was subjected to im- mobilized lipase PS-30 catalyzed kinetic resolution in pentane in the presence of excess vinyl acetate, at 30 ◦C for...