The marginal revenue for a firm is a constant $45, and the firm's marginal cost is given by MC = 1.5Q. What is the firm's profit-maximizing level of output? Assuming this firm operates at its profit maximizing/loss minim...
Explain your understanding of how price effect contributes to the fact that, for a monopoly, marginal revenue is always less than the price. And also, explain your understanding of how quantity effect Identify and explain the receipts of federal, state and local governments. ...
Revenue 收入 expenditure n.[U,C] 1.花费,消费,开支 2.(精力、时间、材料等的)耗费,消耗 revenue n. 1.[U]收入;(尤指)岁入;[attrib 作定语](a revenue tax) 2.(通常revenues)各项收入;总收入 Total n. 总数,全体,合计; a. 全体的,总的,全然的 vt. 总计,共计为 vi. 合计 ad. 统统; [...
D、bad for farmers because total revenue will fall and bad for consumers because farmers will raise the price of food to increase their total revenue. 查看答案 单选题 For a monopoly firm: ( ) A、price always exceeds average revenue. B、price always exceeds marginal revenue. C、any price...
Total revenue is the amount of money that a company earns by selling its goods and/or services during a period of time. The Total Revenue Formula is P x Q = TR.
For a firm operating in a competitive market, both marginal revenue and average revenue exceed the market price. 点击查看答案 第5题 Microsoft is a/an ___ in Windows operating system. A.monopoly B.competitive firm C.oligopoly D.monopsony 点击查看答案 第6题 A perfectly competitive firm a....
(2~30 家)其規模通常較大 頗多的廠商 為數眾多的廠商 獨占 Monopoly 寡占 Oligopoly 獨占性競爭 Monopolistic Competition 完全競爭 Perfect Competition 固定成本 Fixed Cost 變動成本 Variable Cost 利潤 Target Profit 營業收入Total revenue 總成本 Total Cost Dollars $ 產量 Quantity 損益平衡點 【解答】: 假設...
To earn as much revenue as your TAM represents, you would need a monopoly over the entire market — and even then, it’s not a guarantee, since not everyone in that market will buy from you. That said, it’s still useful to keep up with your TAM, as we’ll cover below. Why do...
Total addressable market or TAM refers to the total market demand for a product or service. It’s the most amount of revenue a business can possibly generate by selling their product or service in a specific market. Unless they're a monopoly, most companies can’t capture the total addressab...
Why is the marginal revenue curve for a perfectly competitive firm is the same as its demand curve? Why is the marginal revenue curve for a perfectly competitive firm the same as its demand curve? Give two reasons why the marginal revenue curve of a pure monopoly is down...