总收入(total revenue | TR):TR=Q*P平均收入(average revenue | AR):AR=TR/Q边际收入(marginal revenue | MR):MR=ΔTR/ΔQ 边际收入除了可以用平均收入的导数衡量外,还可以使用边际收入和需求的自有弹性E来衡量,该公式在课后习题中有使用:MR=P(1-1/E)。可由弹性E和边际收益MR=MC这个利润最大化点...
★总收入Total revenue (TR) 公司在一定时期内销售某种商品或服务获得的总收入。 ★平均收入Average revenue (AR) 公司每单位销售所得的收入。 ★边际收入Marginal revenue (MR) 企业通过多销售一单元产品而获得的额外收入。 The total revenue, average revenue and marginal revenue curves. 我们可以观察到当TR最大...
189、总收益(Total revenue) 总收益是每个时期厂商总的美元销售额。 190、总剩余(Total surplus) 总剩余是消费者剩余和生产者剩余之和。 191、总效用(Total utility) 总效用是代表消费者从某个市场篮子中所获得的满足水平的数字。 192、总可变成本(Total variable cost) 总可变成本是指每个时期厂商在可变投入品上...
Define Total variable cost. Total variable cost synonyms, Total variable cost pronunciation, Total variable cost translation, English dictionary definition of Total variable cost. n. A cost that fluctuates directly with output changes. American Heritage
The total cost and revenue accounting method gives an accurate profit figure for the present moment. Forecasting cost and revenue figures is another common method.
AC:平均成本 (Average Cost )ATC:平均总成本(Average Total Cost)AFC:平均固定成本(average fixed cost)AP:平均产量(Average product )AR:平均收益(average revenue)AVC:平均可变成本(average variable cost)C:成本 (prime cost)CS:消费者剩余(consumer surplus)D:需求e:弹性ed:需...
(3)In the ice-cream industry in the short run includes the cost of cream and sugar but not the cost of the factory. (4)Profits equal total revenue minus (5)The cost of producing an extra unit of output is the There are 2 steps...
5 average variable cost平均可变成本 6 base year基年 7 bilateral monopo 点击查看答案 第7题 判断以下英汉词组含义是否一致. 1 average product of capital资本平均产量 2 average product of labor劳动平均产量 3 average revenue平均收益 4 average total cost平均总成本 5 average variable cost平均可变成本 6 ...
total revenue Total risk total shareholder return total utility total volume Tote a Note Totten trust Touch, the Touchline Tough on price Tour of Duty Tourist Baggage Insurance tournament Tout Towing Insurance Town Check Town Clearing Town Hall town house or townhome Town Marker township Toxic asset...