;定义热键ctrl+win+e 为设置资源管理器为默认文件管理器 ^#e:: setExplore() return setTC() { RegRead, IsExp, HKCR\Folder\shell\open\command, DelegateExecute If(IsExp="{11dbb47c-a525-400b-9e80-a54615a090c0}") { ;需要清空DelegateExecute内容,注意不是删除DelegateExecute RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKC...
For OLAP data sources, Index can only return or be set to 1 (Automatic). The returned array always contains True or False for the first array element, and it contains False for all other elements. An array of element values that are all False indicates that there are no subtotals....
FullTextIndexOptionKind FullTextPredicate FullTextStopListAction FullTextTableReference FunctionCall FunctionCallSetClause FunctionOption FunctionOptionKind FunctionReturnType FunctionStatementBody GeneralSetCommand GeneralSetCommandType GeneratedAlwaysType GenericConfigurationOption GetConvers...
FullTextIndexOptionKind FullTextPredicate FullTextStopListAction FullTextTableReference FunctionCall FunctionCallSetClause FunctionOption FunctionOptionKind FunctionReturnType FunctionStatementBody GeneralSetCommand GeneralSetCommandType GeneratedAlwaysType GenericConfigurationOption GetConversationGroupStat...
第一种: 重新自定义PageInfo类,能解决问题,但是比较繁琐,不探究。 第二种:(推荐) 直接用PageHelper的类来实现,代码如下: //创建Page类Page page =newPage(pageNum, pageSize);//为Page类中的total属性赋值inttotal =list.size(); page.setTotal(total);//计算当前需要显示的数据下标起始值intstartIndex = ...
select count(DISTINCT SUBSTRING_INDEX(`url`,'/',3)) as c from tab where type = 4 但是 查询数据中的sql 有 having 子句,这样得到的总数是没有经过条件筛选的。这个结果是错误的。 方法二: 通过 SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS 选项忽略 LIMIT 子句,然后通过FOUND_ROWS()获得查询总数,那么sql改为: ...
import "@total-typescript/ts-reset/array-index-of"; Exactly the same behaviour of .includes (explained above), but for .lastIndexOf and .indexOf. Make Set.has() less strict import "@total-typescript/ts-reset/set-has"; Similar to .includes, Set.has() doesn't let you pass members th...
{ return new SqlSessionTemplate(sqlSessionFactory); } @Bean @Primary public PlatformTransactionManager annotationDrivenTransactionManager(@Qualifier("dataSource") DruidDataSource dataSource) { return new DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSource); } private void setSqlSessionFactory(MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean ...
I need to be able to easily total the number of employees who are on vacation on a given date. This might include regular vacation, stat, etc. I need to be able to choose a date, and have excel return the number of employees who have vacation on that da...
Total Return Swap Example Assume that two parties enter into a one-year total return swap in which one party receives theLondon Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)in addition to a fixed margin of 2%. The other party receives the total return of the Standard & Poor's 500 Index (S&P 500) on a...