Total Recall - Die totale Erinnerung: Regie: Paul Verhoeven Mit Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rachel Ticotin, Sharon Stone, Ronny Cox Als ein Mann virtuelle Urlaubserinnerungen an den Planeten Mars macht, zwingt ihn eine unerwartete und erschütternde Reihe von
Total Recall - Atto di forza: Regia di Len Wiseman. Con Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Biel, Bryan Cranston. Un operaio di nome Douglas Quaid comincia a sospettare di essere una spia dopo aver visitato Rekall, una società che impianta false mem
For the film’s 25th anniversary, fxguide has gathered members of the Oscar-winning effects team to share their thoughts and memories on the seminal pic – from the almost disastrous x-ray scene, to the ‘smokey mattes’ approach for shooting miniatures and the final reactor shots. The state...
电影 全面回忆 TOTAL RECALL 英文剧本.doc,? Total Recall ? ? ? Screenplay by Ronald Shusett Dan OBannon Gary Goldman ? Produced by Buzz Feitshans Ronald Shusett ? Directed by Paul Verhoeven ? ? ? Cast List: ? Arnold Schwarzenegger Doug Quaid Rachael Ticoti
One thing I agree with the gang about: The TR-2012 action scenes are sometimes fun at least conceptually (I actually recall enjoying the hovercar chases), but Wiseman, like just about everyone else who’s shot an action scene in the last 10 years or so, doesn’t care a lick whether ...
Those are the last lines from “Total Recall.” Since those words were uttered and the final credits rolled, fans have been debating their meaning: was the whole thing after Quaid sits down for his Rekall session just a dream? Not Quaid, Arnold. Though I would pay to hear him tell hims...
Voluntary memory of a trauma film (assessed using verbal cued recall and recognition tasks) has not been found to affect the number of intrusive memories reported27,28. However, this is yet to be tested after sleep deprivation. Sleep is postulated to act differentially on the emotional component...
I was studying Dianetics and Scientology in the Paris organization and,after finishing the study technology course, I started to be trained as an auditor so I could become a "Clear" (advertised as someone who has no more aberrations, has perfect recall, is healthy with no psycho-somatic probl...
Total Recall - Die totale Erinnerung: Regie: Paul Verhoeven Mit Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rachel Ticotin, Sharon Stone, Ronny Cox Als ein Mann virtuelle Urlaubserinnerungen an den Planeten Mars macht, zwingt ihn eine unerwartete und erschütternde Reihe von
Total Recall - Atto di forza: Regia di Len Wiseman. Con Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Biel, Bryan Cranston. Un operaio di nome Douglas Quaid comincia a sospettare di essere una spia dopo aver visitato Rekall, una società che impianta false mem