Total Recall (2012) Summary In a story set in the late 21st century, Douglas Quaid (Colin Farrell) has disturbing recurring dreams about being a secret agent. Unable to shake the memories, he enters Rekall, a company that provides clients with artificial memories. When the memory implant goes...
Total Recall (2012) Summary In a story set in the late 21st century, Douglas Quaid (Colin Farrell) has disturbing recurring dreams about being a secret agent. Unable to shake the memories, he enters Rekall, a company that provides clients with artificial memories. When the memory implant goes...
Read more:Plot summary|Synopsis Director Len Wiseman Writers Kurt Wimmer(screenplay by)(screen story by)|Mark Bomback(screenplay by)|Ronald Shusett(screen story by)(based on the motion picture "Total Recall", screenplay by)(based on the motion picture "Total Recall", screen story by)|Dan O'...
Total Recall: Directed by Len Wiseman. With Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Biel, Bryan Cranston. A factory worker, Douglas Quaid, begins to suspect that he is a spy after visiting Rekall - a company that provides its clients with implanted fake
Total Recall 作者:Arnold Schwarzenegger 出版社:Simon & Schuster 副标题:My Unbelievably True Life Story 出版年:2012-10-1 页数:656 定价:USD 35.00 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9781451662436 豆瓣评分 8.1 20人评价 5星 40.0% 4星 35.0% 3星 25.0% 2星
Total Recall (2012)【攔截記憶碼】台灣預告片2
Total Recall 2012版桥段,男主陷入梦境无法自拔,他的朋友进入梦境想唤醒他,也是这样不断启发,不过结果是他的朋友被爆头,哈哈。说句题外话,Total Recall施瓦辛格版本里,男主不是陷入梦境,而是真的有阴谋,2012翻拍版则多处暗示是陷入梦境。 8楼2018-03-13 16:04 回复 ...
Complete name : L:\TOTAL_RECALL_2012_2160p-BLUEBIRD.mkv Format : Matroska Format version ...