This statistic shows Indonesia's total population from 2019 to 2023, with projections up until 2029. In 2023, the total population of Indonesia amounted to approximately 278.7 million inhabitants. Population of IndonesiaIndonesia is a sovereign state archipelago in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Indonesia...
Namibia's age dependency ratio for the dependent population is reported as: 68.5% reported in 2024 (most recent observation). This is a high value against a global average of 58.4%. A higher ratio indicates more financial stress on working people and possible political instability. Namibia's da...
"Although the interest rates of banks are low, the service population of Philippine banks is only around 3 to 4 million, while there are more than 100 million people in the country," said Robin Wong. He pointed out that the two major trends of consumer finance that the Philippine government...
This indicator describes the total population in the country at hand. This total population of the country consists of all persons falling within the scope of the census.Find more key insights for the total population in countries like Indonesia, Vietnam, and Brunei. ...
Definition: Male population is the percentage of the population that is male. Population is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship. Source: World Bank staff estimates based on age/sex distributions of United Nations Popula...
1. Clearly define the value proposition of your product or service. 2. Identify the total population or entities that could benefit from your value proposition. 3. Estimate the maximum price customers would be willing to pay to solve the problem your product addresses. 4. Multiply the total po...
英文: The Indonesia Pribumis (Malay) comprises over 80% of the total population.中文: 印尼的马来人占总人口的80%。英文: According to the filth censusdata display, national minority population in oar country is 106430000, accounting for the national total population 8.41%.中文: 摘要根据“五普”...
Definition: Total population is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship. The values shown are midyear estimates.Source: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects: 2019 Revision. (2) Census reports ...
33, we use the following control variables: per capita GDP (PGDP), industrial structure (INDS), foreign direct investment (FDI), firm size (FSIZ), government intervention (GOVN), innovation capacity (INNO), environmental regulation (EREG), urbanisation rate (CITY), population total (GPOP),...
In the Kenyan capital of Nairobi, 250, 000 people do not have a place to stay. Many of them are children, and live on the streets. In India, the homeless population is estimated at 78 million. Eleven million of that number are street children. Indonesia's homeless population is 3 milli...