Population overview Age structure Households Fertility & birth Death & mortality Marriage & divorce Migration The most important statistics Age structure in Brazil 2022 Brazil: total population 2015-2030, by age Median age of the population in Brazil 2015 ...
Development Relevance:Increases in human population, whether as a result of immigration or more births than deaths, can impact natural resources and social infrastructure. This can place pressure on a country's sustainability. A significant growth in population will negatively impact the availability of...
In 2023, the Chinese population decreased by 2.08 million to around 1.41 billion people. After decades of rapid growth, China arrived at the turning point of its demographic development in 2022, which was earlier than expected. The annual population decrease is estimated to remain at moderate leve...
A conviction has developed during the past few years within the avian conservation community that estimates of total population size are needed for many species, especially ones that warrant conservation action. For example, the recently completed monitoring plans for North American shorebirds and landbi...
Brazil Fernando Rezende, Alexandre Cialdini, and Bernardo Motta 1 Introduction The Federal Republic of Brazil has eight and a half million square kilo- meters—about half the total area of South America. Its population of 211 million inhabitants is unequally dispersed among twenty-six states a ...
Paper presented in Population Association of America 2004 Annual Meeting (Boston, MA), Mimeo (available at http://paa2004.princeton.edu/papers/42194).CAVENAGHI, S., POTTER, J.E.; SCMERTMANN, C.P.; ASSUNCAO, R.M. Estimating total fertility rates for small areas in Brazil. ENCONTRO ...
Tooth loss and associated risk indicators in an adult urban population from South Brazil The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence, extent, and risk indicators of in a representative adult, urban population in the Brazilian stat... C Susin,VO Rui,O Haugejorden,... - 《Act...
A high dependency ratio means those of working age, and the overall economy, face a greater burden in supporting the dependent population. Czechia's age dependency ratio for the dependent population is reported as: 56.8% reported in 2024 (most recent observation). This is a lower value against...
To determine folates, vitamin B12 and total homocysteine levels among neonates from mothers of low or high socioeconomic status.We carried out a cross-sectional transversal study comprising 143 neonates from two maternity hospitals in the city of Salvador, Northeast of Brazil. Cord blood samples wer...
2.2. Population and Sample The research participants were pregnant adolescents (13 to 18 years) and adults (23 to 28 years) in their first pregnancy. Initially, the sample consisted of 50 pregnant women in each age group, totaling 100 participants at baseline. The baseline sample size for AMOR...