As the global population continues to age, the incidence of TKA is expected to increase significantly. Effective pain management is a crucial aspect of TKA, playing a key role in enhancing recovery, improving patient satisfaction, and optimizing overall healthcare outcomes. Multimodal analgesia has em...
2864 were exclusively found in viromes, 94 in both viromes and total metagenomes, and three in total metagenomes alone. Thus, viromes were able to recover 30 times as many viral populations as total metagenomes, even when vOTUs assembled from viromes were part of the reference ...
the blaring headline reflected the fear and confusion felt in Oklahoma's black community when a massive and enraged white mob looted, burned, and destroyed the affluent African American town of Greenwood, killing hundreds along the way.
Dos SVD, Hermes SC, Galvão CC, Marchioni DM, Fisberg RM (2018) Influence of haem, non-haem, and total iron intake on metabolic syndrome and its components: a population-based study. Nutrients 10:314 Article Google Scholar Esfandiar Z, Hosseini-Esfahani F, Mirmiran P, Habibi-Moeini AS...
By 1926, Southern Florida was booming, but the growing population was dangerously naive to the danger they faced from serious hurricanes in the bustling resort destination. That naivete was shattered when, without warning, a category 4 storm known as the Great Miami Hurricane tore through the Cari...
in this population, higher intakes of dietary fiber from cereals were significantly associated with a higher risk of breast cancer, either before or after adjustment for confounders. Women in the third tertile of fiber intake from cereals had an 84% higher odds of developing breast cancer than th...
Unlike refined grains, whole grains, which consist of entire grain, contain high micronutrients and dietary fiber in their bran and seed. In the literature many studies showed that high-fiber diets may reduce the incidence of chronic diseases such as div
justify the exploration of alternative monitoring tools that can provide reliable information on meteorological and hydrological processes, which are necessary for managing drought and flood-related impacts, as well as improving the water resources management in the region (e.g., Greenwood 2014; Madani...
justify the exploration of alternative monitoring tools that can provide reliable information on meteorological and hydrological processes, which are necessary for managing drought and flood-related impacts, as well as improving the water resources management in the region (e.g., Greenwood 2014; Madani...