Ice & Fire: War for Westeros (Book Inspired) mod is a an overhaul mod for TW: Attila. This mod is inspired by the book series "A Song of Ice & Fire" by... Add mod|More mods >> Post articleRSSRelated Articles Skyrim Total War : Upcoming release ...
Ever found yourself watching Skyrim TikToks at 2am with no end in sight? If you can relate, you might have stumbled upon some videos made by today’s modder and video game industry hero: Jared Alexander! When he’s not working his day job on the socials of Sea of Thieves over at Ra...
About this mod A collection of carefully curated and optimized character improvements. Share Requirements Permissions and credits Changelogs TOTAL CHARACTER MAKEOVER A COMPLETE CHARACTER APPEARANCE OVERHAUL DESCRIPTION people Detailed but performance-friendly textures ...
So the new version of Warcraft: Total War has the M2TWEOP (Medieval 2 Total War Engine Overhaul Project)-tool already integrated into the mod- it's required or all the giants, giant dragons, giant scorpions, Fel Hounds, Snap Dragons, Doomguards and Doomfiends will crash to the desktop a...
This mod adds a toggle for the Chaos Realms narrative to the campaign settings screen in both Singleplayer and Multiplayer campaigns.If the toggle is left on, the game will proceed as normal with no changes.If the toggle is set to off: Ursun will never roar, the rifts will never open,...
Speaking from the home in Poland he shares with his wife and young son, Venris tells me how he joined the modder Steel Faith in 2017 as part of the SFO team. Until this point, Venris was involved in making submods for TWW, alongside games like Skyrim and Mount and Blade. He is, ...
Overhauls Uploaded:27 May 2021 Last Update:09 Mar 2022 Author:ThalmorJusticiar7th Uploader:ThalmorJusticiar7th This Mod adds a total of 10 new Hero units to 8 different factions with custom special abilities, unit cards, special ability icons, custom meshes, armors and weapons and much more !
This week we have some cracking picks for you all to take a look at. SirSalami has found an incredible dodge mod for Skyrim that not only adds an ability for you to dodge attacks, but also your enemies. I have a Star Wars based mod from nubyplay that I have had great fun checking...
From the French-German border, the Balkans Wars, the Russian Revolution and more to come, this complete overhaul mod includes a new map, new events, new leaders, new governments, new units, new tech tree, new game mecanics and improved AI. 2nd Place | Enderal Elder Scroll...