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Accuracy is the number of correct model predictions and overall predictions [19]. The recall (sensitivity) of a model refers to its ability to correctly predict positive values out of the total number of all positive values (true positives and false negatives) in the dataset. The precision of...
Zip Codes May Not Be an Adequate Method to Risk Adjust for Socioeconomic Status Following Total Joint Arthroplasty at the Individual Surgeon Levelsocioeconomic statuszip codearthroplastyoutcomerisk adjustmentBackground: Increasing consumerism in healthcare has included a push toward the ranking of ...
, moving to a higher volume category, or moving to a lower volume category. Number of hospital beds and teaching status were identified using the AHA Annual Survey for each institution. The designation of the hospital as urban or rural was based on the Rural-Urban Commuting Area Codes [24]...
number: "0123456789", symbol: "!@#$%^&*()[]" } * 如果未传入该参数,则从 `'lower' + 'upper' + 'number' + 'symbol'` 中随机选取一个字符返回。 使用示例如下所示: Random.character() // => "P" Random.character('lower') // => "y" Random.character('upper') // => "X" Rando...
zip codes and 69 had missing information for the patient economic status indicator. Since these constituted only 0.04% of our total observations, we removed them from our analyses. Thus, our final sample had 11,131 TJAs from 242 hospitals. Of the 11,131 total episodes, approximately 5% (n ...