Calculate the total number of all common subsequences between a string and a vector/list of strings
Problem : You are given an array of N integers. You have to print the total number of strictly decreasing subsequences of the array ? Note : You cannot consider a single element to be in any strictly decreasing subsequence.(At least two elements are needed to form a strictly decreasing subs...
Calculate the total number of all common subsequences between a string and a vector/list of strings. Subsequences can be interrupted by items, i.e. q-w is considered a subsequence of q-e-w-r
Calculate the total number of all common subsequences between 2 strings
Internal function: Calculate the total number of all common subsequences between 2 strings. Subsequences can be interrupted by items, i.e. q-w is a common subsequence of q-w-e-r and q-e-w-r