of members of lok sabha lok sabha members are part of the indian parliament along with the president of india and the rajya sabha members. the lok sabha plays the basis of indian politics and the members of lok sabha act as representatives of the citizens of our country. as responsible ...
The six recipients will focus on providing tutoring support for year three students in the Yaqara Valley, providing early detection of rheumatic heart disease in remote communities and donating books to schools throughout Fiji, funding two new boreholes and providing...
- Citizens were about 13 percentage points (pp) more likely to choose a candidate who pledged to spend the majority of the MPs Common Fund on public infrastructure compared to one who plans to use only a little (or none) of the fund for this purpose - In cont...
He says sadly, people with severe COVID-19 are still dying at home or they are coming to a medical facility in the late stages of severe illness. Doctor Fong stresses that severe COVID-19 is a medical emergency, and a delay in receiving appropriate me...