for the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, the constituency’s electoral quotient, by dividing the total number of votes validly cast for all the electoral competitors, which have met the electoral threshold and for the independent candidates who have obtained the majority of the votes [...]...
electoral lists that have won at least 5 per cent of the votes of the total number of those who voted in the election district. 塞尔维亚共和国《选举人民代表进入 国家议会法》规定,只 有上了选举 名单的人才能得到议席,而上选举名单必须至少得到选 区 投票 总数 5%的选票。
Paul Farhi
Electoral College votes on 2024 results Can Democrats recapture the House in 2026? Trump holds 1st post-election news conference... Red states shifting agendas further right Why Wall Street is anticipating Trump's term DNC sets rules for electing new party chair More + ...
Although Bush lost the popular vote, Electoral College rules meant that the contest would go to whoever won Florida, where Bush was ahead by a razor-thin margin of just a few hundred votes. In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court voted to stop a recount that was still being conducted, ...
Although Bush lost the popular vote, Electoral College rules meant that the contest would go to whoever won Florida, where Bush was ahead by a razor-thin margin of just a few hundred votes. In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court voted to stop a recount that was still being conducted, ...
Jack Matlock sheds light on (something rather like) the American Electoral College I began to get a clearer idea of why Gorbachev shied away from an electoral campaign in 1990, however, when the draft legislation was finally published. According to the draft, presidential elections would be decid...
The State Of the Races; Polls Show Obama Leading in States Whose Electoral Votes Total Nearly 300, and the Democrats Heading Toward Expanded House and Senate MajoritiesDavid S Broder Dan Balz
electoral lists which collect at least 5 per cent of votes ofthetotalnumber of voterswhotakeavoteinaconstituency. 议员选举法》规定,向收集到选区参加投票的选民总数的至少5%选票的 选举名单授权。 ...
separately, for the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, the constituency’s electoral quotient, by dividingthetotal numberofvotes validly cast for all the electoral competitors, which have met the electoral threshold and for the independent candidates who have obtained the majority of the votes[.....