When the Monster Hunter skill is unlocked in the tech tree, a Norsca faction gains access to the Monstrous Arcanum. This ancient tome lists the mightiest beasts and monsters to roam the world. The player may then choose to initiate hunts, embarking on multi-stage quests which culminate in bat...
In a shared world with other players, you’re left to explore the mysterious Aida landscape while coming up against the Heirs of Aida, who are opposed to using the energy source omnium (which was the cause of the historic catastrophe). Whether you want to mess around fighting monsters with...
This mod adds a toggle for the Chaos Realms narrative to the campaign settings screen in both Singleplayer and Multiplayer campaigns.If the toggle is left on, the game will proceed as normal with no changes.If the toggle is set to off: Ursun will never roar, the rifts will never open,...
Adventure with a friend or two through hundreds of areas in a dark fantasy world that provides a dizzying collection of monsters to click on until they squish repeatedly. Path of Exile does feature a microtransaction system, but it’s admirably unobtrusive. If you’re partial to hack-and-...
Salamander Hunting Pack: Powerful ranged-attack monsters that hurl fireballs, deal flaming attacks in melee and cause fear. Their high speed enables them to reposition swiftly in the field. Ancient Salamander: A vast and venerable Salamander that hurls huge fireballs, dealing high damage and ma...
Dennis N. Griffin, bestselling author of The Rise And Fall Of A 'Casino' Mobster, callsSHOTS IN THE DARKbyDaniel Zimmerman“a must read”. Alan R. Warren, author ofTHE KILLING GAME, andTHE LAST MAN STANDING, had the #1 Ranked True Crime/Conspiracy/History Radio Show in the US with ov...
Salamander Hunting Pack: Powerful ranged-attack monsters that hurl fireballs, deal flaming attacks in melee and cause fear. Their high speed enables them to reposition swiftly in the field. Ancient Salamander: A vast and venerable Salamander that hurls huge fireballs, dealing high damage and m...
Bound in pain-wracked serpentine bodies, the Bloodwrack Medusa is a terrifying sight to behold on the battlefield. These writhing, horrid monsters are best positioned behind the front line to maximise their powerful ranged attacks to decimate foes. However, they can match their ranged skill with...
Bound in pain-wracked serpentine bodies, the Bloodwrack Medusa is a terrifying sight to behold on the battlefield. These writhing, horrid monsters are best positioned behind the front line to maximise their powerful ranged attacks to decimate foes. However, they can match their ranged skill with...