VT tidal volume 潮气容积 TLC total lung capacity 肺总量 VC vital capacity 肺活量 ... www.med66.com|基于37个网页 2. 肺总量医学教育网 关于呼吸的医用术语及缩... ... VT tidal volume 潮气容积 TLC total lung capacity 肺总量医学教育网 VC vital capacity 肺活量 ... www.med66.com|基于1 个...
5) total lung capacity,TLC 肺总容量 6) lung volume paparmeter 肺容量参数 补充资料:血容量 血容量 blood volume 人体内血液的总量,即血浆量和血细胞量的总和。正常成年人的血液总量约相当于体重的5%,小儿血容量相对地较成人多,新生儿约85ml/kg体重(早产儿可达90~108ml/kg体重),婴儿及儿童约为75~80ml...
英文缩写 TLC 英文缩写TLC 英文全称Total Lung Capacity 中文解释肺总量 TLC意思,TLC的意思,TLC是什么意思?爱站小工具网缩写频道为您提供有关于TLC的解释和缩写,肺总量的英文缩写是什么
英文缩写 TLC 英文全称Total Lung Capacity 中文解释肺总量 缩写分类医药卫生, AT反恐怖主义 ISSF国际不锈钢论坛 AT查帐索引,审计追踪,检查追踪 ATMac机所用的网络协议之一 AT验收测试 AT南极条约 AT原子钟时间 AT异步传输 DTS数据传输系统 SAME美国军事工程师学会 ...
6) total lung capacity,TLC 肺总容量补充资料:肺总容量 肺总容量 最大吸气后肺内所含的气量,即肺活量加上残气量。男性正常值为5398±971.95ml;女性为3844.67±538.36ml。肺气肿、呼气阻塞、肺泡扩张时肺总容量增加。肺组织广泛性病变,纤维化,胸膜腔积液和气胸等肺总容量减少。肺总容量可由测定功能残气量加深...
The total lung capacity, TLC, is the maximum volume of air that the respiratory system can hold. It is the sum of all four lung volumes. Thus TLC=VC+RV. Because this includes the RV, it cannot be determined using spirometry. Its value is given as TLC=IRV+TV+ERV+FV=3.0 L+0.5 L+...
肺总容量(total lung capacity, TLC)的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(shuashuati.com)是专业的大学职业搜题找答案,刷题练习的工具.一键将文档转化为在线题库手机刷题,以提高学习效率,是学习的生产力工具
(redirected fromtotal lung capacity (TLC)) Medical The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Lung Volumes the volume of the air contained in the lungs at various degrees of thoracic expansion. ...
total lung capacity, TLC 肺总量文献(pubmed) 赞助商链接以下为句子列表:英文: Determination of Total Triterpenoids in Antrodia camphorata in Submerged Culture by TLC-spectrophotometry Method中文: 薄层色谱-分光光度法测定樟芝菌粉中的总三萜含量 英文: Identification of Main Ingredients by TLC and ...
The lung volumes (TLC,functional residual capacity, and residual volume) are reduced inIPF. Early on, the lung volumes may be normal, especially in patients with superimposedchronic obstructivepulmonary disease(COPD). Lung volumes are higher in smokers with IPF compared with those who have never ...