网络 肺总量; 肺总容量; 全肺量; 总肺能量; 肺总气量
capacity n. 1.[U]容量,容积 2.[U]能量,生产力 3.[U,C]能力,才能,接受能力,理解力(+for) 4.[C]资格,地位,职位 lung fish 【医】 肺鱼类 aqua lung 水肺(潜水氧气筒) Aqua lung n. 水肺(潜水氧气筒) lung bud 【医】 肺芽(胚胎) lung like adj. 像肺一样的 lung duster n. 香烟...
The normal tidal volume is 6 to 8 mL/kg, regardless of age. Total lung capacity (TLC) is the volume of gas present in the lung with maximal inflation. The normal range for TLC is 60 to 80 mL/kg. Vital capacity is the volume of gas that can be maximally expired from TLC. The ...
boiler fullpower capacity (每小时能产生的蒸气量) 锅炉满功率容量 fullwidth weir (即指占全河渠宽的) 满宽堰 spider web antenna (全波接收) 蛛风形天线 volumetric glassware (有容量刻度的玻璃器皿) 玻璃量具 heavy duty geared head lathe (全齿轮车床) 重型普通车床 silver greys (全棉制或纬纱含毛510...
5) total lung capacity,TLC 肺总容量 6) lung volume paparmeter 肺容量参数 补充资料:血容量 血容量 blood volume 人体内血液的总量,即血浆量和血细胞量的总和。正常成年人的血液总量约相当于体重的5%,小儿血容量相对地较成人多,新生儿约85ml/kg体重(早产儿可达90~108ml/kg体重),婴儿及儿童约为75~80ml...
Lung Volumes the volume of the air contained in the lungs at various degrees of thoracic expansion. With maximum exhalation, the gaseous contents of the lungs decrease to the residual volume (RV). The normal inhalation position adds to this the expiratory reserve volume (ERV), or the reserve...
6) total lung capacity,TLC 肺总容量补充资料:肺总容量 肺总容量 最大吸气后肺内所含的气量,即肺活量加上残气量。男性正常值为5398±971.95ml;女性为3844.67±538.36ml。肺气肿、呼气阻塞、肺泡扩张时肺总容量增加。肺组织广泛性病变,纤维化,胸膜腔积液和气胸等肺总容量减少。肺总容量可由测定功能残气量加深...
Only a less percentage of the lung's total capacity is ventilated within each breath, especially during quiet breathing. This means that only a fraction of the total alveoli are ventilated, usually in the upper lobes, while much of the remaining lung is temporarily collapsed. Airways supplying ...
Explain how aging alters the skin's normal structure. What are the differences between life span and life expectancy? What biological process lead to the weakening of the bones in old age? What is carrying capacity, and how does this relate to the human population?
some patients with clear interstitiallung diseaseby radiologic evaluation or biopsy maintain lung volumes within the normal range. Obesity causes true restriction only when extreme but affects lung volumes in a pattern that differs from that of parenchymallung diseases. The primary effect is on the re...