美 英 un.肺的总容量;总肺活量 英汉 un. 1. 肺的总容量 2. 总肺活量
The total lung capacity, TLC, is the maximum volume of air that the respiratory system can hold. It is the sum of all four lung volumes. Thus TLC=VC+RV. Because this includes the RV, it cannot be determined using spirometry. Its value is given as TLC=IRV+TV+ERV+FV=3.0 L+0.5 L+...
capacity n. 1.[U]容量,容积 2.[U]能量,生产力 3.[U,C]能力,才能,接受能力,理解力(+for) 4.[C]资格,地位,职位 lung fish 【医】 肺鱼类 aqua lung 水肺(潜水氧气筒) Aqua lung n. 水肺(潜水氧气筒) lung bud 【医】 肺芽(胚胎) lung like adj. 像肺一样的 lung duster n. 香烟...
Cost of quality is the total cost of all efforts to achieve product/service quality,and includes all work to ensure conformance to requirements.All of the following are costs that are incurred EXCEPT ... A. cost of poor quality B. opportunity cost C. external failure cost D. appraisal...
total lung capacity 英 [ˈtəʊtl lʌŋ kəˈpæsəti] 美 [ˈtoʊtl lʌŋ kəˈpæsəti]网络 肺总量; 肺总容量; 全肺量; 总肺能量; 肺总气量 ...
5) total lung capacity,TLC 肺总容量 6) lung volume paparmeter 肺容量参数 补充资料:血容量 血容量 blood volume 人体内血液的总量,即血浆量和血细胞量的总和。正常成年人的血液总量约相当于体重的5%,小儿血容量相对地较成人多,新生儿约85ml/kg体重(早产儿可达90~108ml/kg体重),婴儿及儿童约为75~80ml...
TLC-total-lung-capacity网络肺总量;肺总量医学教育网 网络释义 1. 肺总量 医学英语——呼吸的医用术语 ... VT tidal volume 潮气容积 TLC total lung capacity 肺总量 VC vital capacity 肺活量 ... www.med66.com|基于37个网页 2. 肺总量医学教育网 关于呼吸的医用术语及缩... ... VT tidal volume 潮...
2) tidal volume (total lung capacity) 潮气量(总肺活量)3) TLW 总肺水量 1. AFC,TLW,and EVLW were calculated in rats exposed to hyperoxia for 24 h and 48 h. 方法高氧大鼠暴露于90%的氧浓度,分别于24和48h测定AFC、总肺水量和肺血管外肺水量。
Lung Volumes (redirected fromtotal lung capacity (TLC)) Medical The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Lung Volumes the volume of the air contained in the lungs at various degrees of thoracic expansion. ...
[translate] ajustified 辩解[translate] aIn fact, I love you but let you be wronged In fact, I love you but let you be wronged[translate] atotal lung capacity and vital capacity 总肺容量和重要容量[translate]