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andthat intheleaveswasmuchhigherthanthatinthestemsortheroots.Conclusion:ItisadvisabletoharvesttheaerialpartsofM.dianthera inSeptember. KEYWORDS M.dianthera;Totalflavones;Contentdetermination 疏花荠苧(Mosladianthera)为唇形科(Lamiace- ae)石荠苧属(Mosla)一年生草本植物,为民间常用草 药,其分布于长江以南地区,...
andthat intheleaveswasmuchhigherthanthatinthestemsortheroots.Conclusion:ItisadvisabletoharvesttheaerialpartsofM.dianthera inSeptember. KEYWORDS M.dianthera;Totalflavones;Contentdetermination 疏花荠苧(Mosladianthera)为唇形科(Lamiace- ae)石荠苧属(Mosla)一年生草本植物,为民间常用草 药,其分布于长江以南地区,...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences Article The Evolution of Total Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activities during Ripening of Grapes (Vitis vinifera L., cv. Tempranillo) Grown in Semiarid Region: Effects of Cluster Thinning and Water Deficit Inmaculada Garrido 1, David Uriarte 2, Marcos...
molecules Article Rapid and Cost-Effective Quantification of Glucosinolates and Total Phenolic Content in Rocket Leaves by Visible/Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Eva María Toledo-Martín 1, Rafael Font 2, Sara Obregón-Cano 3, Antonio De Haro-Bailón 3, Myriam Villatoro-Pulido 3 and Mercedes Del Río...
nutrients Article Protective Activity of Total Polyphenols from Genista quadriflora Munby and Teucrium polium geyrii Maire in Acetaminophen-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats Nacera Baali 1,2,†, Zahia Belloum 3, Samiya Baali 2, Beatrice Chabi 1, Laurence Pessemesse 1, Gilles Fouret 1, Souad A...
Analysis of Phenolic Compounds by High-Performance Liquid Chamatography and Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry in Potato Plant Flowers, Leaves, Stems, and Tubers and in Home-Processed Potatoes. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2008, 56, 3341–3349. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 19. Xu, B.; Chang, S.K....