A total knee replacement, also known as total knee arthroplasty, involves removing damaged portions of the knee, and capping the bony surfaces with man-made prosthetic implants. A total knee replacement repositions the knee into ...
于2011年10月更新全全全全膝膝膝膝关关关关节节节节置置置置换换换换术术术术(TOTALKNEEREPLACEMENT)SIMPLIFIEDCHINESE膝膝膝膝盖盖盖盖(Theknee):膝关节是由3块骨头组成,是身体内最大的关节。这些骨头包括: 小腿骨(又名胫骨)的顶端 大腿骨(又名股骨)的下端 膝盖骨(髌骨)这些骨头的末端都被软骨包围。骨头由...
Total knee replacement: should it be cemented or hybrid? Can J Surg. 1999;42(1):21-6. [ Links ]Rorabeck CH.Total knee replacement:should it be cemented or hybrid? Can J Surg 1999;42(1):21-6....
中英文字幕:OrthoGlide® 膝关节内侧植入物(OrthoGlide® Medial Knee Implant) 中英文字幕:自体骨软骨移植(OATS Cartilage Repair Surgery) 中英文字幕:小切口全膝关节置换术(Mini Incision Total Knee Replacement) 中英文字幕:半月板...
Exactech Knee Replacement Products Find a Rep Experience transformative knee innovations for optimal performance in and out of the O.R. Exactech GPS Newton Knee Triverse Primary Knee System Truliant Porous Knee Truliant Primary System Truliant Revision System...
Total Knee Replacement When the cartilage has worn away, an artificial knee (called a prosthesis) can take its place. The surgical options to implant the prosthesis are termed partial or total knee replacements. In this section, we discuss total knee replacement. The total knee replacement restore...
膝关节手术工具 Total Knee Replacement Instruments 管理类别 1 型号规格 见附页 结构及组成 手术工具由六角螺钉起子、胫骨试模、厚度试模、胫骨测量器、髌骨滑槽骨凿、滑块、胫骨髓外定位器、示尺、股骨截骨试模取出器、打麻器、髓内定位杆、开口锥、胫骨髓外力线杆、滑锤、骨锉、松质骨打压器、打紧器、胫骨试...
Patients with inflammatory types of arthritis, such asrheumatoid arthritis, are not regarded as good candidates for partial knee replacement. With inflammatory arthritis, more than one compartment is usually involved. Recovery and Success Rates
膝关节置换术后快速康复要领(1) Total Knee Replacement Rehabilitation 视频时长:23分14秒 视频来源Youtube,如有侵权,请联系删除。本文是陶可版权所有,未经授权请勿转载。 本文仅供健康科普使用,不能做为诊断、治疗的依据,请谨慎参阅 真诚赞赏,手留余香 赞赏 ...
p class="abstract"> Background: Epidural anaesthesia with adjuvant is the preferred method for intra and postoperative pain relief after total knee replacement surgeries but search for ideal adjuvant for prolonging the duration of postoperative analgesia without any side effect goes on. This study was...