GUIDELINE FOR AFTERCARE OF TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT *Also applies to partial replacements* o Physical therapy will begin the day following your surgery while still in the hospital. You will be visited by physical therapists as well as a nursing case manager who will work with you regarding home ...
The aim of this study is to systematically review whether the presence of altered central pain modulation pre-surgical influences outcome after total knee replacement (TKR) in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA), and if so which indices of central pain modulation predict poor outcome after TKR....
PATIENT aftercareTOTAL hip replacementTOTAL knee replacementHIP osteoarthritisSURGICAL complicationsOSTEOPOROSISRISK assessmentREOPERATIONPurpose: While bone health is instrumental in orthopedic surgery, few studies have described the long-term outcomes of osteoporosis (OP) in patients undergoing total hip (THA)...
Several studies demonstrated positive aspects of fast-track arthroplasty and indicated the importance of patient character- istics that could influence successful rehabilitation after fast- track total hip or total knee arthroplasty [17]. In this context the nutritional status seems to play an important...
The participating patients were asked to complete various surveys during this study: the KOOS [20], HSS Knee Replacement Expectation Survey [21,22], Pain (Pain DETECT) [23], and the DASS 21 [24]. For an objective assessment of the external motion sensor and the mobile application, the Net...