Total internal reflection, coupled with a large index of refraction, explains why diamonds sparkle more than other materials. The critical angle for a diamond-to-air surface is only 24.4º, and so when light enters a diamond, it has trouble getting back out. (See Figure 7.) Although lig...
中文:全内反射;英文:total internal reflection的原理;中文:全内反射;英文:total internal reflection的定义;中文:全内反射;英文:total internal reflection是什么。光波从较高折射率(nh)的介质进入较低折射率(n1)的介质时,若入射角大于某一临界 θ=arcsin
中文:全反射临界角;英文:total reflection critical angle的原理;中文:全反射临界角;英文:total reflection critical angle的定义;中文:全反射临界角;英文:total reflection critical angle是什么。简称“全反射角”。入射光从光密介质入射到光疏介质界面,恰好
* Determine the internal JavaScript [[Class]] of an object. */ type: function(o) { return o == null ? String(o) : class2type[] || 'object'; }, isNull: function(o) { return o === null; }, isUndefined: function(o) { return o === undef; }, /** * Che...