The heroes of all the other history books, that's who. Myers is being published for the first time in Canada this Feb- ruary by James Lewis&Samuel. People interested in the true history of the country won't be able to resist. PAPER $2.95 CLOTH S7.95 LYRICALLY OURS Ultim;lrely.perha...
a So, World, I wish you would take him by the little hand and teach him the things he will have to know.Teach him there are heroes, leaders and friends in this world. (告诉他世界上的英雄,领袖和朋友)Give him quiet time to think over the mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the...
(#号是注释): #TheG.action.summon,武将,势力,等级,回合 #有些武将无法改变等级,比如诸葛亮和司马懿 #检测到克隆人会全自动枪毙 TheG.mod.detect_historical_heroes_clone, true TheG.mod.detect_duplicated_name_clone, true #TheG.action.summon, 分享42 战锤全面战争吧 CA_DrDuan The Twisted & The ...
rainddisrtoripbsutwioenroefsriaminidlarorptsowtheroesseiminilanrattoutrheo.seTihnenraatuinref.aTllhienrtaeinnfsailtlyinctoenuslidtybceousledtbaetsdeitfaftedreifnfetrleenvt els by changilenvgeltshbeyfcrehqanugeinncgythoeffnreoqzuzelnecsywofinngoszzalne dswwinagsssatnadblweatsosmtabalienttoaimnaa...