x 1:fluent的report中的total heat transfer rate到底是什么?2:数字的正负号是代表什么?负号表示流...
fluent 总传热率 | fluent 总传热率Total Heat Transfer Rate在指导手册(Users_Guide)中说明了Total Heat Transfer Rate是为选定的边界区域计算总传热率,不过总传热率的具体定义如何? 总传热率包括对流传热速率与辐射传热速率,计算取决于指定的边界条件,根据所用模型可能包含热或总焓的对流、能量的扩散通量等。需要注...
不包括 总热量交换率。
我这模型很简单的,就是想验证下,就是想验证下total heat transfer rate是啥,能量方程开了,设的进...
I'm currently simulating what, at least in theory, should be a fairly simple heat transfer problem, and while everything seems to be running smoothly without errors, I can't get the energy equation that Fluent is giving me to add up. There's probably just a term I'm mis...
4. Simulation was iterated with Fluent 6.2 for 3,000 times. Residuals and total heat transfer rate over all surfaces were monitored. After all iterations, all residuals converged and total heat transfer rate leveled off. Thanks in advance, ...
The aim of this project is to develop a computational model of the whole body plethysmography technique, and also to study selected transport processes, including heat transfer, due to convection and radiation, and CO2 transport.; Indeed, numerical analysis can provide very accurate results without ...
I am working on the simulation of droplet evaporation. I wanna get the heat entering the droplet from the bottom and the heat dissipated through the interface. In the Flux Reports Dialog Box, can I obtain the value of heat flux by selecting Total Heat Transfer Rate? I don't...
November 24, 2009, 08:01 Total Heat Transfer Rate & Total Surface Heat Flux Mismatch #1 icaro New Member anonymus Join Date: Nov 2009 Posts: 2 Rep Power:0 Hi all, This is my first post ever, let's see if I am lucky. I don't understand the mismatch between results from ...