WELL-beingMENTAL health servicesCARDIOVASCULAR fitnessOFFICESVETERANS' healthI am honored to add my voice to this important supplement summarizing outcomes from the remarkable Summit that brought together experts from the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to promote...
SWOT: Analysis of Strategic Approaches in Total Force Fitness and Whole Health Summit Leaders and subject matter experts from the Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Veterans Affairs, and other organizations participated in the Total Force Fitness (TFF) and Whole Health Summit. TFF and Whole...
Land BC: Current Department of Defense Guidance for Total Force Fitness. Mil Med 2010; 175(Suppl 8): 3-5.COL Beverly C. Land, MC USA. ―Current Department of Defense Guidance for Total Force Fitness.‖ Military Medicine 175,8:3, 2010....